Please review all of our rules before coming to the range.
We do NOT offer instruction on a walk-in basis: If do not have shooting experience please schedule a private lesson or introductory class HERE.
No Reservations Needed: the range is first come, first serve!
Treat all guns as if they are ALWAYS loaded.
NEVER point a gun at anything you aren't willing to destroy
Keep your finger OFF the trigger until your sights are on target.
Be SURE of your target and what is beyond.
Eyes and ear protection are required.
Keep firearms pointed in a safe direction at all times.
Range-appropriate attire should be worn. No open-toed shoes, low-cut tops, etc.
Guns must remain holstered, in a bag, or a carrier unless being handled inside the booth.
Handle the firearm only inside the firing booth, forward of the yellow line.
Only graduates in good standing of Beyond the Permit I may draw from the holster. A draw card will be issued by the staff.
If anything (gun, magazine, ammunition, etc…) falls forward of the white firing line, do not retrieve it. Ask the Range Safety Officer (RSO) for assistance.
If you need assistance with your firearm, leave it in the booth pointing down range before asking the Range Safety Officer (RSO) or any staff member for help.
Only one shooter in the booth at a time.
Do not shoot across lanes.
Do not shoot the floor, ceiling, walls, or other range equipment. Ensure every round impacts the backstop.
Universal Firearm Safety Rules
Shooters 21+ are allowed to purchase handgun caliber ammo, rent handguns, and participate in the Full Auto Experience.
Shooters ages 18-20 are allowed to purchase long gun caliber ammo, rent long guns, and shoot long guns. If they are with someone 21+ that person is responsible for them to shoot handguns.
Shooters ages 13-17 must have a legal parent or guardian shoot with them in the booth.
Shooters ages 8-12 are only allowed to shoot .22 LR (Rimfire) ammunition with a legal parent or guardian in the booth.
Children under the age of 8 years old are not allowed on the range.
Rifle caliber firearms (5.56 and .223) MUST have the following:
10.5 inch barrel, a stock or brace, and sights
Pistol caliber rifles can have less than a 10.5 inch barrel.
No binary triggers.
No personal full auto firearms.
MUST have all brass ammo. NO green tip, steel-cased, steel core, tracer, BOLO, flechette, or armor-piercing ammunition.
All Shotguns must have a stock and at least a bead sight.
Bird shot, Buck shot, and Slugs are all ALLOWED on the range.
NO green tip, steel-cased, steel core, tracer, BOLO, flechette, or armor-piercing ammunition.
No green tip, steel-cased, steel core, tracer, BOLO, flechette, or armor-piercing ammunition.
No black powder firearms allowed. Any ammo brought in will be subject to inspection and approval prior to use
Most handgun and long gun ammo is allowed except for what is listed above.
Rifle caliber firearms MUST have at least a 10.5" barrel, a stock or brace, and sights.
No binary triggers.
No personal full auto firearms.
No food, drink, smoking, or electronic cigarettes on the range.
No one under the influence of any substance is allowed on the range. Individuals smelling of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed in the facility.
No horseplay of any kind.
Shooters must be able to understand the Waiver, Rules, and Range Safety Officer (RSO) instructions to be allowed on the range.
Pregnant women are not allowed on the range.
The Range Safety Officer (RSO) & Staff have authority over all range activity.
Those unwilling to follow Top Gun’s range rules or safety rules will be asked to leave.